It was Sunday morning and our church was full. The choir had just sung a beautiful song of praise. Six new followers of Jesus declared “Jesus is Lord” as they participated in believer’s baptism. As a congregation, we sang songs of the cross and of God’s love. I sat in my usual spot at the piano worshipping my Savior and my God through music as I have done since I was a young girl. As I usually do, I prayed that we would feel the movement of the Holy Spirit, that Satan would be bound from our presence, and that we would experience the work of God today and honor Him with our worship.
As our pastor began the sermon God had laid on his heart about the voices of Palm Sunday, I looked out over the congregation. In the blink of an eye, the Holy Spirit grabbed the deepest part of my soul. In all of my years of sitting at the piano and looking toward the congregation, I had never really SEEN the congregation like I did that day. As I listened to our pastor speak, I began to look at these wonderful people that I have grown to love and respect through the eyes of Jesus. Even though we worship collectively, we each have our own individual voice, our own story. A unique story written by the hand of God.
My heart was pounding in my chest as my spirit was quickened to the voices in the room. What is their heart voice crying out today? The heart voice that is not audible but is present in the deepest parts of the soul. If I could only hear their words. What is their story? What are their hopes, dreams, and fears? Compassion and love for these precious children of God flooded my soul. Oh God, I pray that I will always be aware of and sensitive to each individual voice that crosses my path. Almighty God, help me to be so observant and so compassionate that I hear their voices even when they don’t speak out loud. You, Almighty God hear our heart voice. Quicken my spirit to listen for the unspoken and to respond in love.
My message to you:
You are not invisible. God sees you. God hears your heart voice and He loves you. Run into His arms – The One who will always be everything you need. You are not alone.
My challenge to you:
Look around you. What do you see…or even more importantly…WHO do you see. Take the time to look deeper into the soul. Search for the heart voice. Listen…Listen through the silence and then respond with the love of Christ.