The 9 miles of aqueducts that Herod built to bring water to Caesarea are a sight to behold. The stairs that we descended into a water system created for Megiddo seemed to go on forever and the entire system of water retrieval and storage and distribution was incredible. The importance of water in Israel is clear. There was no limit to the amount of creativity and hard manual labor used to find water, design the systems, and carry out those designs. The protection of the water sources and the systems was paramount for the sustenance of this nation.
It is always amazing to me how the thread of God’s word and work runs through every part of our lives. In the very creation of our bodies, we were designed to be dependent on water for our very existence. We can sustain life without food for an extended period of time, but we cannot live without water.
How interesting that Jesus would be called the “fountain of living water” in Jeremiah. How incredible that Jesus would even speak of this water Himself in John 4:14, “but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” Never thirst again… NEVER thirst again! The well of Living Water from Jesus Christ never runs dry. My Savior, my “fountain of living water”, is all I need to sustain and refresh me for eternity.
Rain down on me Lord Jesus. May I soak, float, splash, swim, and drink in fully everything you desire to offer me. May I remember that, even in the desert times of my life, You are the Spring of Living Water that quenches the thirst of my parched and weary soul.
Are you in a dry season of life? Is your soul parched? Are you traveling through a desert that is draining your very existence? Run to the “fountain”! The Savior is waiting. Drink fully of what He has for you. Be filled to overflowing and never thirst again.