Blog – Lesson from Israel – Part 3 – Joppa and Jonah
As I stand with my feet in the Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv, I look toward Joppa. A couple of Bible stories come to my mind. Peter’s vision and contact with Cornelius, and Jonah’s call to Nineveh.
Peter’s vision of the sheet coming down with all kinds of animals (Acts 11) happened right across the way. It’s such a beautiful picture of God helping Peter understand His plan that salvation would be for all of us, not just the Jews. I am so thankful!!!
And then there’s Jonah. Oh Jonah! He stood right around here as he struggled with the decision to follow God’s call to Nineveh or to run! I can’t help but wonder if he heard the same sound of the waves rolling onto the beach that I am hearing right now.
Every morning it seems that I stand, just like Jonah did, with my toes symbolically in the Mediterranean Sea and decide if I will follow my calling for today or run. Sometimes, I’m sad to say, I make a choice very similar to Jonah’s and I run. My calling either seems too hard, too scary, too much work, or I haven’t drawn close enough to God to really even know what my calling is. I guess we all do it….make the choice to run. I can’t say that on any of my rebellious days I have ever been swallowed by a whale and spit up onto shore. I can truthfully say that I have been swallowed up many times by the world on my days of running and spit out as a heap of nasty smelling frustrations.
But when I think about the days when I have followed my call and been obedient to the One who has designed the very best for me this life has to offer I am reminded of the blessings that have been poured over me like the waves of this beautiful Mediterranean Sea.
So my lesson from Joppa – less running and more obedient following. What about you?
I never thought of my running as the same as Jonah’s. Thank you for opening my eyes.
I know Jamye. I had never thought of it that way either.