For All the Moms
My Mom has given me so much. My love of nature and my passion for writing have come from this amazing woman. She has taught me how to look for God in everything. I have learned to seek out and appreciate the beauty of God and His creation.
As I was cleaning out some boxes, I found something that she wrote…about me. It touched my soul and I want to share it with you. Not because it is about me, but because it shows the love of a mother…My Mother…and reminds me of the kind of mother I want to be for my daughters. I hope it will remind you as well.
And a Child Shall Lead Them
A lovely drive to school and back. A lovely morning with spring dew shining like diamonds on the tips of new grass. The trees popping with new buds to halo the beauty of the warmth and sunshine. Kelly stood between the seats of the car chattering like a long recording. Quietness suddenly enveloped the car. Then in a soft, happy voice with one hand extended and grasping something in the air. “Hi God. Oh, I’m just fine,” she said.
My heart rose with such swelling it almost burst. Kelly had reached and touched God in the limits of our car. Had I really realized He was this close? Do any of us realize He is really this close? How I pray that God will help us all know that He is always within easy reach if we will but hold out our hand in faith and love.
Wait on the Lord
Kelly, God will save you when you are ready. You pray and read your Bible and listen. This way you will be ready and hear Him when he speaks.
“Mom, I asked God to save me a bunch of times before He did. He didn’t because I don’t think I really meant it like I should. I told Him if it was His will I wanted to be saved and when I really meant it, He really saved me.” “Darling,” I asked her. “Do you know that God really spoke to your heart?” “Oh yes He did!” There was a pause as tears sparkled in her eyes. “Mom, isn’t it a funny feeling when He really talks to you?”
Kelly was saved when she was 8 1/2.
Kelly, You will have the experience of “that funny feeling” many, many times through prayer, study of God’s word, and faith. You wait on the Lord and let Him speak to you. This will be your strength in time of tempting, sorrow, and fear. Learn early that God knows best and to let Him tell you what to do. Be patient, slow to anger, and quick to forgive.
Looking for the Good
“Mom, you know if you look for something good in people instead of bad you learn to like them. Now, I told you how mean +++ was and how I didn’t like her? Well, all the things I told you were true but I asked God to help me find something good about her and He did. You know, I like her now.”
My daughter, always look for the beautiful and seek to find the truth. God and His beauty will dwell in you. “As a man thinketh so is he.” Think beautiful thoughts, look for goodness, see God’s beauty around you and you too will be beautiful.